Adam Questell


Adam Questell enjoys creating striking, accurate imagery and has committed himself to the form and function of visual communications through the medium of 3D-CGI as applied to illustration and animation for the medical, biotech, scientific, pharmaceutical, technical, and industrial communities.

Adam’s imagery is about quickly and efficiently conveying complex concepts, but it’s also about breathing life and energy into products and ideas. Creating this type of imagery takes someone that enjoys communicating with scientists, physicians, engineers, executives, sales personnel, marketing specialists, advertising teams, and most importantly the audience.

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Vortex Ventures – mudroom - A KYU Design
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Vortex Ventures – mudroom

Assignment: Breathe life into the concept of the “Clean Mudroom” through animation.

Challenge: Work with CAD translations and fill in the missing components to layout a mudroom that could be navigated through a touch-screen guided-learning module. Then animate each assembly to educate the viewer on its respective functionality.

Results: The final product was an animation taking us from an onshore mud facility out to a drill ship via a workboat. Once inside the drill ship we see the components of a “clean” mudroom. Each component has its own animation carefully depicting the patented revolutionary technologies unique to each assembly. The learning module, stand-alone animations, and illustrations continue to educate and impress potential clients.

Media: Technical animation, technical illustration

Techniques: CG animation, compositing, video editing, CAD translation, 3D modeling, 3D illustration


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