Adam Questell


Adam Questell enjoys creating striking, accurate imagery and has committed himself to the form and function of visual communications through the medium of 3D-CGI as applied to illustration and animation for the medical, biotech, scientific, pharmaceutical, technical, and industrial communities.

Adam’s imagery is about quickly and efficiently conveying complex concepts, but it’s also about breathing life and energy into products and ideas. Creating this type of imagery takes someone that enjoys communicating with scientists, physicians, engineers, executives, sales personnel, marketing specialists, advertising teams, and most importantly the audience.

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Tank Car 101 - A KYU Design
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Tank Car 101

In order to preserve a passing knowledge base, eRail Commerce looked to have a series of technical animations created explaining the basic anatomy of a modern tank car. This multi-part series was combined to become the first Tank Car 101.

This animation was created for eRail Commerce by A KYU Design. See how we can bring your technologies to life through animation and illustration. Accompanying background elements provided by Ideaogic Brand Lab.

